Unveiling the Sacred

My Journey to Biblical Preaching and Teaching
The Prophet Ministry (TPM) of Chicago, Illinois, is an international faith-based ministry. Kwaku Kwakye is the Prophet who preaches Biblical truths to the young and the old.
Long Ago
Many years ago, in Africa, Prophet Kwaku Kwakye found healing after visiting a prayer house. He suffered from a severe illness, and when the fervent prayers of Christians brought about his healing, Prophet Kwaku Kwakye felt that he wanted to go into ministry.
When he immigrated to the United States, Prophet Kuaku Kwakye received training as an elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He saw the world becoming more secular and more Godless. He was determined to emphasize goodness, honesty, and integrity in his ministry.
Spread the Word of God
Today, Prophet Kwaku Kwakye spreads the Gospel message and speaks out against the degradation of women as sexual objects. It is deplorable, he says, how women on the street today look like Harlots and prostitutes. TPM stands against our sexualized society. God did intend for women to be prostitutes and harlots. Prophet Kwaku Kwakye works with families to help them raise their kids in a Godly way.
The Prophet travels to speak to different groups, helping his listeners cultivate a deeper spiritual life and receive a fuller picture of God in their lives. Prophet Kuaku Kwakye preaches to make us all better and more productive members of society. His calling is to preach and when he visits a church, he speaks about how we must take Christianity seriously and not treat it a causal social club.
Prophet Kwaku Kwakye also offers to pray for you. TPM has a free prayer ministry, and the Prophet desires to cultivate a Godly life for all. Contact TPM to learn more about or support our ministry.
The ministry is taking a stand for morality and is developing a sandwich training program. Prophet Kwaku Kwakye also plans to build schools, libraries, and colleges. Support TPM’s advocacy; donate today.